I am very pleased to have been included in this Wildlife-focused art trail which started yesterday. Ten of my wildlife masks are currently on display in the window of what was the M&Co shop in Silver Street Trowbridge, along with art work from local artists. There 's much to see all round the town and you can download a map showing all locations at https://trowbridgechamber.com/event/windows-on-nature-art-trail/
My needle-felt masks can be displayed on the wall or worn for a special event. Each mask has a removeable mounting pad, containing the animal’s eyes. If you want to wear the mask, simply remove the mounting pad and adjust the strap to put it on. All the masks are made of natural wool but do have a cotton lining for comfort!
Here are some pictures of the masks being worn as well as of the display currently showing in Trowbridge. I am particularly pleased to introduce my beaver as he has inspired me to support the work of the Wildlife Trust in their efforts to reintroduce beavers to this country. https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/news/beavers-build-back-better-their-future-not-secure
My masks are for sale once the event closes in early September. If you are interested in buying any of those on display, please email valerianfibres@gmail.com or contact me through this website. The prices on the display include postage.